Monday, December 29, 2008


She's Chosen to Believe

I didn't sleep well last night, for various reasons. Sitting here at my desk at work, my chin on my hand, I dozed off briefly.

I woke with a start in this familiar place, too warm, too dry, too professional. I woke and for a moment it seemed that the past five days had been a dream, one of those sharp, endless dreams that seem to spiral out from the fractions of a second your eyes close.

Then - oh, then... a reversal of the terrible pain of waking and remembering that the world is not what you dreamed: I woke and remembered that it wasn't a dream. That against all odds, he is here, and he will be well.

Like a soap bubble or a butterfly in the hand, I feel reluctant to even breathe too hard, lest I blow it away. Hope is such a fragile thing, but so incredibly strong - as he says, a glass cannon, breakable but capable too of destroying walls and obstacles with the merest touch.

I am very happy right now, best beloveds... I hope you are too.

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posted by Rivaine  # 2:06 PM
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