Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I Am Swolled

I hate my wisdom teeth.

I'm a lucky girl. I have five of them.

One of them's this little pointy sonofabitch that's coming in nearly horizontal to all the rest. As a result it's impacted. As a result I'm in a ton of pain and my face is swollen. SUCK.

Why the fuck does the one bit of surgery that nearly everyone has to go through, mandatory, not optional - why the fuck is it so damned expensive? What do kids in Ethiopia do when they get their wisdom teeth in?

Well, besides die of hunger.

Guess I've got that going for me.


posted by Rivaine  # 2:32 AM
You have enough time to post your little comments but not enough time to bother updating this thing, huh?
I only write when I have something worthwhile to say. That's not a jab, it's just the truth. And World of Warcraft is making me so distracted that I can't conjure any philosophical discourse at the moment. Read back to a couple years ago, there's more than enough angst and musing there to entertain you until I get my head out of my ass again.
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