Sunday, May 15, 2005


Ascent into Hell

Tonight's dinner is Doritos, pizza, butter pecan ice cream and raspberry lemonade. I kid you not, I eat like this. And it's not like I've got one of those exasperating "boy" metabolisms where you eat and eat and never gain a pound and then bitch about it (*scowl B*). No, no. My weight doesn't fluctuate a lot, but I could be massive if I felt like it. Well, more massive. And it's obvious I don't make any effort to watch what I eat. It's just that about half the time I don't eat. I forget for whole days at a time. Then I eat crap.
In keeping with the hedonism I'm indulging this evening, I'm also feeling powerfully lustful. For food, for technology, for movement, for beauty, for flesh. When I get lusty, it's not a limited, controllable thing. It's an all-encompassing desire for every pleasurable thing within my sphere. Anyone who doesn't want to get seduced had better stay out of my reach at times like this, I mean it, *grin* that goes for males and females. At the best of times I can go both ways; at times like this anything beautiful is my prey.
So I'm writing a little, watching a movie with two very beautiful co-stars, and will shortly take her supreme awesomeness Miss Battle Angel Alita to bed with me, and let her and assorted tunes lead me into sublime dreams. A kiss for each and every all of you, and be glad you aren't around, or it might be more *smile*.

posted by Rivaine  # 1:16 AM
You can shaddap about my metabolism. Besides, with this wonderful skinny body, I can actually claim all my weight comes from muscle! (And I add on to it, yo.)

So you like Alita, eh? Damn, that's awesome to hear.

Hate to sound like a pussy, but once you get to issues 6-9... I dunno, they kinda got to me. You'll see what I mean.

And taking heed of your lust for beauty, that must mean I shouldn't show my face, eh? [/narcissism]
Too late, really. But don't worry, you're not subject to my lust. Not now, anyway.

(dum dum dum dummmmm.)
Intrigue nothing. While you're a voice on the screen (convoluted mixing of sense-images there...) I'm not going to get all girly about anything. Done that, it sucks, not happening. If you were physically present, it would be a different story entirely.
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