Saturday, April 30, 2005


Suicide Girls: Saturday April 30 2005 10:34 PM

It's been a long time, hasn't it? Sorry guys, just... been boring, really. Nothing to say. I've been in what I suppose one could call a creative rut, not so much lacking in ideas as lacking in the spirit to put them down. I was drawing for a bit, but as always I'm impatient with my abilities... my drawing skills are severely stunted, actually. Part of it is that I'm constantly erasing and starting over or drawing over something because it's not quite what I see in my head, until I screw it up beyond repair. The other part is twofold: that my fingers seem to be too big to make the lines I want to make, and I don't know where THAT sensation comes from, but there you are. The other is that my hands are so damn shaky. It's not a clinical condition, there's nothing fucking WRONG with me, at least not with my hands, they're just... really unsteady. Used to be the most steady hands in the world, I used to bead things and do little craft projects with tiny fragments and pieces. Then I got older and sometime around eighth grade my hands started to shake, and haven't stopped. So when I'm trying to draw with, say, pastels or charcoal, something that I try to use delicately, the line goes all over the place. Problematic. whatever

So, actually, I've tired of the one irritating thing about SG: that the people I really WANT to hear insights on my daily (semi-weekly?) musings from, to wit, my friends, are not members and probably won't pay some thirty dollars just to be able to respond to my various mental forays. Not that that would be a waste of money or anything. I mean, it's a verified fucking fact that my ideas are worth their weight in... like, cheetos or something. And given how little cheetos weigh, that's a bloody lot of cheetos. eeek
In order to solve this problem, I have relocated myself to a more customizable forum with commenting privileges available to all, to be found at the end of the following Fiber-Optic-Yellow-Brick-Road:
I encourage all those who have any interest in my goings-on or who have (for whatever reason) enjoyed my previous presence in this format to look there, where I have a) made an attempt to reproduce all of my foregoing entries, just for my OCD chronological-continuity peace of mind, and b) am making my meager, proto-geeky attempts to make the space "mine." I test its limits. I prod them with broom handles. And I've got more to say, but now I'm going over THERE *points off in the direction of the aforementioned Road*, so follow me down, follow me down, follow me down, and we'll continue this after I slip into a more comfortable URL.

posted by Rivaine  # 10:34 PM
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