Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I Am Swolled

I hate my wisdom teeth.

I'm a lucky girl. I have five of them.

One of them's this little pointy sonofabitch that's coming in nearly horizontal to all the rest. As a result it's impacted. As a result I'm in a ton of pain and my face is swollen. SUCK.

Why the fuck does the one bit of surgery that nearly everyone has to go through, mandatory, not optional - why the fuck is it so damned expensive? What do kids in Ethiopia do when they get their wisdom teeth in?

Well, besides die of hunger.

Guess I've got that going for me.


posted by Rivaine  # 2:32 AM 2 comments

Thursday, May 10, 2007


How, how, HOW... you get up the courage to call and ask if someone is still alive when you're honestly not sure what the answer is going to be?

Two weeks since I've heard from him. It's destroying me. I can't think about anything else. I look for him everywhere. I go to my door and open it and stand on the porch, hoping that'll make it somehow more likely that he'll walk up the driveway.

I just... can't stop hearing the voice of some useless Army functionary telling me the unthinkable. And I keep wondering what I would do when I hung up the phone. What would I do? What could I do?

I can't call. I can't do it.

I have to know.

I can't.

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posted by Rivaine  # 11:23 PM 2 comments

Monday, May 07, 2007


For Ease

I took down all those Photoshop posts I used to have up here. The good ones are up on deviantART now anyway, and it's nice to have quick load times around the Interim. The angels are staying up... mostly because I'm too lazy to take down all thirty of 'em or however many there are. Anyway. Should be a little easier to bring up the blog for those of you with slow compies.

Other than that... just trying to keep my chin up. Keep telling myself that everything's gonna be okay. That's all we can do right now.

Except eat lagasgne! Oh, snap!

posted by Rivaine  # 3:29 PM 2 comments


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